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Breakfast ideas!

Hi I am having difficult in knowing what to eat for breakfast. I am up very early to catch a bus in the mornings as I have a distance to travel to work. Therefore can't have anything like porridge which I love as need to eat on the bus. I have started to eat bread and butter in the mornings but I am trying to cut down on my bread intake is there anything thats nutritious and yummy but not too many calories which you could suggest to eat on a bus journey?


Our expert says...

 Hi Kelly

Thanks for your query. I’m not too sure why you are cutting down on your bread intake, as it strikes me as a healthy breakfast option. Especially if you opt for wholemeal bread with low fat spread (and perhaps with some Marmite for extra vitamins)!

But for variety, why not try a raisin bagel, a banana and some Belvita biscuits, or some healthier style granola in a plastic food bag? Depending on the practicalities of your bus journey, you might also be able to actually make up a tub of instant porridge before you go and eat it hot in the way.

A couple of other ideas might be a small tub of fruit salad made the night before, or if you’re feeling indulgent even cold cuts – little pieces of lean ham and lower fat cheese neatly arranged on cocktail sticks for you to nibble on the way?

I hope these give you some inspiration. There’s also a section “Top Breakfast Choices” within the Food Swaps section for more ideas!

Best wishes


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