Annouska's story

Start weight
Nutracheck weight loss
Current weight

Every member's story is individual and may involve a combination of approaches. Annouska's story showcases weight loss success using Nutracheck alongside weight loss medication.

How much weight have you lost and how long did it take?

So far I have lost 5st 5.3lbs/ I began my journey on the 22nd December 2023 weighing 16st 10.5lbs/106.4kg. It has taken me 12 months to get these results.

What prompted your decision to lose weight?

I believe I was just ready to lose weight. I wasn't happy or confident with my appearance and more importantly, with having multiple health conditions I needed to try and treat my body the best I could. I had a long-term condition review with a nurse and at the end she asked if there was anything else she could help with, and I just came out with it "Yes, I want to lose weight."

How did you hear about Nutracheck?

I found Nutracheck in the App Store when searching for a calorie counter. The reviews were great and I loved the features available within the app. Once I had tried my free trial and saw the competitive price I knew it was the weight loss tool for me. I now recommend the app to anyone who will listen, including the nurses at the weight loss clinic at my GP surgery!

Has your weight stayed fairly consistent over the years, or have you always had to manage it?

I was always a bit of a chubby child, and as a teen, I was probably quite slim, although I have always had quite a curvy figure and felt bigger than my friends. I once used to be quite fit, I even used to be part of the professional wrestling world, like you see on TV. This was a big thing in my teens to early twenties and I was very much into fitness and nutrition. However, since my mobility declined I found it harder and harder to maintain a healthy weight and have been overweight/obese most of my adult life.

I use Nutracheck alongside weight loss medication tablets as prescribed by my GP, as after many previous attempts to lose weight, via weight loss groups or trying to watch what I ate, I used to find that I ended up failing when I would reach about a 1st loss, my body kept going into a big pain flare which would then derail me and I'd be back to square one.

Have you experienced any health improvements?

Yes, my cholesterol levels are fine now, which is great. I have a connective tissue disorder called Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder, where all of my joints hyperextend and dislocate and such. Since losing weight, although I'm still in a lot of pain I do sometimes feel like I have a bit more energy which is remarkable for me! I was also chatting with my physiotherapist about how much happier my joints must be feeling now too.

How easy was it to fit the changes you made into your lifestyle?

I'm a person who loves routine and rules! So once I began, I got into my new habits pretty quickly, it's all so easy and straightforward. Remembering to weigh everything was made a lot easier by leaving my kitchen scales on the bench. The barcode scanner and being able to add your own recipes to the app is perfect for me and just makes things so much easier to help it all become second nature. Another feature I would like to mention, due to taking weight loss tablets, is that I find the function of being able to track the fat content of my meals within the app absolutely wonderful as this is something you have to keep an eye on with that medication.

What was the most difficult thing about your weight-loss journey?

It may sound a little silly but I think the most difficult thing for me has been putting myself first. I view my journey as self-care and self-love. It has really made a difference.

How do you feel now compared to before?

I feel so much more confident in myself - I feel like me again! The experience has been life-changing.

Any notable milestones to report?

Getting past that first 1 stone loss felt amazing, I also love it when I drop into a new stone bracket. Fitting into a size 12 pair of jeans felt like a big thing for me too, I don't think I have worn that size since I was about 17! I was previously a size 18-20, and now about a 10-12. Clothes shopping is fun again, knowing I can find something in my size in stores.

What 3 tips would you give to anyone who has weight to lose?

  1. Use Nutracheck as a tool, use the forums they're full of great people on a similar journey. If you get stuck you can get in touch with the Nutracheck team, they're very helpful.
  2. When weighing yourself, try to do it under the same conditions. Same time, same clothing (or none at all!) etc. and make sure your scales are in the same position too. Try not to be disheartened if you don't see the results you're expecting just keep at it.
  3. Try to enjoy the experience, have a treat here and there if it's something you like, just fit it into your calorie allowance. Try new recipes. It's a whole lifestyle change and these habits are something you will take with you to maintenance and beyond!

Weight loss medication should only be used with the guidance of a medical professional and alongside eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. If you are considering this route, speak with your doctor or pharmacist. Our goal is to provide a simple and effective app that empowers members to achieve their goals in a way that works best for them.

You can find out more information about evidence-based approaches to weight loss including weight loss medication discussed in this NHS article – Obesity Treatment

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* Weight loss is individual and your personal rate of loss may vary from any case studies shown on this website.

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