New Goals Challenge - Start a new habit

Emma & Amy - Nutracheck Nutritionists

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Why does it matter?

Think of a habit as the ultimate in efficiency. We don't need to even think about it, we just do it! Our daily habits have a huge impact on our overall health, and success with our weight goals. They determine the choices we make about food and our lifestyle. Habits can be both healthy and unhealthy. So, for this task, your challenge is to start a new healthy habit each week – OR tackle a less healthy habit and make it healthier.

Ideas for new habits

  • Plan your meals in advance and shop with a list.
  • Go to bed earlier.
  • Book yourself into an exercise class for the same day every week.
  • Aim to move at least once every hour throughout the day.
  • Take your gym clothes to work so you can go straight there (less chance to talk yourself out of it!).
  • Prep your breakfast and lunch the night before.
  • Have a water bottle on your desk / with you at all times.
  • Make it a rule to always leave the office/building during your lunch break.

Ideas for making a habit healthier

  • Reduce the amount of sugar you have in tea/coffee.
  • Have at least two alcohol free days per week (ideally consecutive).
  • Replace the biscuit with your hot drink, for a high-fibre bar instead.
  • Switch your usual white bread/pasta for a wholemeal version.
  • Stand and march on the spot or walk around while cleaning your teeth for 2 minutes, instead of sitting down.
  • Instead of scrolling your phone during the TV ad breaks, stand up and walk around or do some squats.

Two tips

  1. Make your goal specific.
  2. Instead of, "I will have less sugar in my tea".

    Say, "I will have 1 sugar in my tea instead of my usual 2 sugars every day this week".

  3. And ensure it is realistic.
  4. Instead of, "I will get up at 5am instead of 8am and go for a run".

    Say, "I will get up at 7:30am instead of 8am and walk to work".

Nutritionists Emma White (ANutr), MSc Human Nutrition and Amy Wood (ANutr), MSci BSc Nutrition, are passionate about diet and how this impacts overall health. They support evidence-based advice around nutrition and aim to help everyone better understand how different nutrients affect the body and long-term health status.

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