A peek behind the bathroom door. Nutracheck members weigh-in habits

Rachel Hartley | 15 Jan, 2016

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How often do you weigh yourself?

Every day 31%
A few times a week 21%
Once a week 39%
Once a month 5%
Other 4%

Almost a third of members weigh themselves daily.

If your goal is to lose weight, how much does your weigh-in result affect your motivation?

A lot 63%
A little 16%
Somewhat 14%
Not at all 1%
Doesn't apply 6%

Your top weigh-in ritual - First thing in the morning, in the nude.

(for some, after a loo visit)!

Members who are maintaining said they weigh themselves MORE OFTEN than when they were losing weight.

The most popular measures members use after weight are WAIST and CLOTHING FIT.

Nutracheck co-founder Rachel Hartley, BSc (Hons) Food & Nutrition is passionate about food and diet. Rachel's philosophy is providing accurate, up-to-date calorie information to help people make the right food choices.

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