Feeling Grrrrrrrreat

25 Nov, 2014

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Had a very positive few days, enjoyed a roast on Sunday, made my potatoes with spray oil and salt so they where extra crispy and not naughty at all.

Home made spag bol was last nights dinner as I was not in the cooking mood so grabbed one I prepared last week out of the freezer and happily discovered turkey meatballs I had forgotten about. Just enjoyed those for lunch. Tonight is going to be pork escalope's - unsure yet what I'm going to do with them. May head over to Good Food for some inspiration.

I enjoyed my cocktail night last Saturday and happy to say I did not go too mad with the booze! Out tomorrow.....excited! Off to see James Blunt, hubby ordered tickets back in May and never told me :) :) :)

Then we are off down to London Sat/Sun Shopping and going to watch our beloved Everton FC. I love London, especially this crisp cold time of year when all the Christmas lights are up and the windows are beautifully dressed. Hope I get a chance to drool over the Tiffany's window again this year. Never be able to afford anything in there but there displays are amazing! You can smell the money in the air down Bond Street that's for sure ha ha!! So exiting times ahead and just one month until Christmas Day!!!! Time's ticking by SO quickly.

Looking forward to my weigh in this Friday, hoping my effort pays off. Oooh almost forgot to mention, just had a compliment off my hubby's delivery man! He actually noticed I'd lost weight! I had lost a stone previous to starting this blog, but he said you've lost a lot of weight!!!! So I'm hoping the scales say so this week.

Hope all my fellow bloggers are enjoying this as much as I am. Be happy and healthy.

Lesley x

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