Education - another tool in the weight-loss box

Steve Marshall | 02 Sep, 2015

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A couple of years ago, when I started my weight-loss journey, it struck me that there was a lot of information out there about diet and nutrition that was misleading or just plain wrong. I decided that I wanted to find out as much as I could on the subject, so that I could be as sure as I could be that I was doing the best things to help me lose weight.

The first thing I did was explore the Nutracheck site, and I quickly found the 'Resources' area. This has a large number of articles about nutrition and dieting, including really useful ones about what is a myth and what is true (for example, is it true that you shouldn't eat after 6.00 pm?) I read the lot, but then I wanted more!

I found some on-line University courses, called FutureLearn. One of their courses was run by the University of Reading, lasted four weeks, and was called Obesity: Causes and Consequences. Not only did it look very interesting, but it was starting the following week, and it was free! So I signed up, and followed the course with great interest, and I think it gave me a rock-solid start to my weight-loss journey. Then recently I saw another FutureLearn course - Nutrition and Wellbeing, run by the University of Aberdeen, and I am now in the second week of that.

These courses are easy to follow, and I have found them interesting and - best of all - full of useful information to help me lose (and now to maintain) weight. And no, it's not true that you shouldn't eat after 6.00 pm!

Steve lost a massive 10st with Nutracheck. He now regularly writes about how he maintains his weight loss.

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