10 goals challenge - Eat at least 30g fibre

Emma White - Nutritionist

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Goal of the day – Eat at least 30g fibre

Fibre is a nutrient we should all be aiming to eat more of – the recommended daily amount is 30g minimum, but most people in the UK are averaging around 17-20g per day. It's important for bowel health and protecting against heart disease, and it can also help to aid weight loss as it's very filling! It's easier to stick to a lower calorie intake if we feel satisfied, so choosing foods high in fibre is a win-win for weight loss and health! Stock up on wholegrain cereals like Weetabix, porridge and bran flakes; fruit and veg; pulses such as lentils and chickpeas; and dried fruit like apricots and figs.

As great as fibre is, some people can find eating a lot leads to digestive discomfort such as bloating. If your current fibre intake is at the lower end, we'd recommend gradually upping your fibre intake by maybe 3-4g per day for a week, and then upping again the following week all being well. Our digestive system often needs a little time to adjust!

Your daily goals list

The aim of this challenge is to keep a 10 day unbroken diary streak – while smashing 1 goal a day! There are 10 different goals to choose from – you can have the same one every day or choose a different one for each day of the challenge by following our list below.

  1. Drink 8 glasses of fluid
  2. Eat 5 portions of fruit and veg
  3. Do a new online workout
  4. Eat at least 30g of fibre
  5. Do at least 1,000 more steps than you did yesterday
  6. Eat at least 2 meals sat at a table with no distractions
  7. Practise mindfulness for 10 minutes
  8. Go for a 20 minute brisk walk
  9. Eat 3 portions of low-fat dairy (or fortified dairy alternative foods)
  10. Write down your short-, medium- and long-term goals

Nutritionist Emma White (ANutr), MSc Human Nutrition is passionate about how food science applies to the human body, and how the nutrients in what we eat affect us and ultimately have an impact on our health.

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