New Goals Challenge - Try a new exercise

Emma & Amy - Nutracheck Nutritionists

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What's wrong with what I usually do?

If you already exercise regularly, that's fantastic! You may already know this, but it's important to keep adjusting your workout to ensure you're still getting the most from it. Our bodies try to be as efficient as possible, which means adapting to use less energy when we exercise. So including new and different activities helps to keep our fitness levels progressing.


  • Try a new exercise class.
  • If you are a runner, download an app and try interval training.
  • Give a HIIT workout a go.
  • Use a new machine at the gym or ditch them all together and switch to free weights/body weight exercises.
  • Try following a new online workout to give some new moves a try.
  • Ask to shadow a regular at the gym to see what new exercises they can introduce you to.
  • Try yoga for recovery if you don't regularly include stretching or recovery sessions.
  • Try a different route for your usual run or cycle – you may be challenged with extra hills!
  • If you're a regular swimmer, give a different stroke a try.

What if I don't do anything?

If you are just starting out or quite frankly, not a big fan of exercising, this task is to help you find something that gets your pulse raising – in a good way! Fact – you don't have to set foot in a gym to get fitter! So your challenge is to apply some new thinking to what you consider 'exercise', and discover something that you actually enjoy and helps you move more!


  • Commit to exercising with a friend – start with a regular walk together.
  • Try a YouTube workout a home – there are countless ones to try for all abilities.
  • Get off the bus a stop earlier or walk instead of getting the bus.
  • Take a short walk every lunchtime.
  • Do some upper body seated exercises while watching TV.
  • Don't underestimate the value of housework! A daily cleaning task can increase your heart rate if you put some energy into it!
  • Invest in a home exercise bike or rower, and do 5-10 minutes while watching TV at night. Tip! Start with a small goal and build up – it's way more motivating (and realistic!)

Nutritionists Emma White (ANutr), MSc Human Nutrition and Amy Wood (ANutr), MSci BSc Nutrition, are passionate about diet and how this impacts overall health. They support evidence-based advice around nutrition and aim to help everyone better understand how different nutrients affect the body and long-term health status.

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